New Digs.


2011 brought many amazing things into my life and this blog is definitely not the least of them. It has been so amazing sharing my passions, running journey, and general musings with all of you and I’m so excited to carry it forward into 2012.

Because of that, I’ve decided to move to self-hosting and completely re-design the blog to give it a more personal look. So please bookmark my new “address”! Please remember to re-subscribe so that you can keep up with my daily posts! Just click the box on the right of the page, enter your email address and click “add me!”

Thank you so much for reading my blog! It truly means the world to me and I promise to make it even better in 2012!




p.s. In case you don’t get enough of me here, you can also find me on twitter, facebook, tumblr, another tumblr, and Posh Boutique’s blog column every Tuesday and Thursday!



I know I said I’d resume regular blog posts today, but…I lied.

Christmas is over and I’m in this post-holiday lull. My friends are making New Year’s Eve plans, planning impromptu trips before real life resumes, hitting up the holiday sales/returning things. And I’m just kind of hanging out. I have no desire to make NYE plans or go anywhere for that matter. I want to blog, but my inspiration is lacking. I barely feel like running. And I have absolutely no money to shop.  And I’m totally fine with that.

I’m going to spend this week relaxing. I want to use the rest of this week to reflect on 2011 and plan 2012. I have so many goals to accomplish, so many things to change and so many things to do/see. But they’ll all have to wait until January 1st.

Because this girl is on vacation until then.


Merry (Late) Christmas!

I can’t believe I haven’t posted since last Thursday! Between the last-minute shopping and about 12 family meals in the last 5 days, I’ve barely even looked at my computer in days. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have enjoyed spending time with your family and friends. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and didn’t let anything get in my way….not even running.

My Grandma and my Aunt Ertie. Love these little ladies!

Sadly, yesterday was my first run since last Wednesday. I had some weird flu-like symptoms (chills/headache) over the weekend and decided to skip my 7-miler on Saturday just in case. When I went out with Coach yesterday morning, I felt great until the halfway point. I still haven’t figured out this nutrition thing. Some days I can run for an hour without having eaten much before and other days I feel like I might collapse after only a mile. I had a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and an orange before the run and it simply wasn’t enough. I had only planned to do 30 minutes but ended up stopping at 2 miles and walked the rest of the way. I was disappointed, but I’m just glad I ran. I missed it.


I have 2 weeks left of Winter Break and I’m planning to relax as much as possible. My days will be filled with running, writing, sleeping and playing with my new Canon Rebel t3!! Yayy for better blog photos!

via CanonUSA

I promise to get back to regular posts tomorrow! I’m not doing a recap for last week because it’s actually embarrassing how little I ran. Like less than 10 miles. During half-marathon training. Who does that? But I’m determined to end 2011 on a great running note so I’m already looking forward to Week 4’s recap. And I’m still doing the Closet Love Challenge. I hope you all are too. It’s a lot harder than I expected, but I’m making it work. Look out for an update soon.

Let’s all make this last week of 2011 a great one!

Currently Coveting.


Maybe it’s my prep school background, but there’s something so chic about a cap-toe shoe. I love cap-toe ballet flats, but I’m also really loving the pump trend I’ve been seeing everywhere lately. I think these shoes take every look to another level and I want every single pair for Christmas. I’m not even kidding Santa.

Currently Coveting: Cap-Toe Shoes


Yves Saint Laurent suede high heels
$269 –

Zara cap toe pumps
$90 –

KORS Michael Kors michael kors shoes
$195 –

Zara cap toe pumps
$80 –

Reed Krakoff slip on shoes
$495 –

Thirsty Thursday: Christmas Cocktail

If you read Behind the Blogger pt.2, you know that I’m a wine lover. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), when I decided to get serious about becoming a runner and getting healthy, I decided to abstain from all alcohol for a while except special occasions and even then, one glass only. It was a great decision for me and I plan to continue throughout this training cycle. But another special occasion is coming up soon and I have plans to make a special Christmas Cocktail at my Aunt Cheryl’s house for dinner.

As much as I’m starting to love red wines, my heart still belongs to my sweet Moscato and I found the perfect cocktail recipe for our one-glass reunion: Martha Stewart’s Sparkling Pear and Cranberry Cocktail.


2 tablespoons dry cranberries

1/2 cup organic pear nectar

32 ounces Moscato D’Asti

8 small sprigs fresh rosemary


1. Put cranberries in a small bowl. Add 2 tablespoons warm water and soak until cool (about 15 minutes). Drain, pat dry and refrigerate until serving.

2. Divide pear nectar evenly among 8 tall champagne glasses. (I’ll need to triple this for my family!) Add cranberries and then gently pour Moscato D’Asti into the glasses. Garnish with a fresh rosemary sprig.


WHW: Mixing It Up.

You know those people who decide to try something new/visit a new place/take up a new hobby and literally spend hours reading about it, researching it and planning it out before they start? Yeah…that’s me. When I first started running, I spent hours reading articles on, stalking running blogs and printing out beginner’s training plans. That’s just how I am. When I say I’m gonna do something, I’m gonna do it well.


During that early “research” period, I read articles/blog posts about the difficulty runners have with cross-training. They know they should do it, but can’t find the time because all they do is run. I just knew that would never be me. I wanted to become a runner, but I just couldn’t see myself running 6 days a week and doing nothing else. Here I am, 13 months later and I run 5 days a week and squeeze in a yoga or Pilates class maybe twice. All I ever want to do is run. I love yoga, Pilates and Zumba, but somehow running always wins out.

But after two weeks of no weight loss (no weight gain either!) and two runs during which random pains started up in my legs, I know it’s time to get serious about cross-training. Running has done amazing things for my cardiovascular fitness and my body has definitely gotten smaller, but I don’t really see any definition besides my calves. I’ve also noticed that my core is still extremely weak and let’s not even talk about my upper body. Nothing has changed since Middle School when I could only do 1 pull-up. Except now I probably couldn’t even do one. If I want to become a well-rounded runner, and athlete, I have to start building strength.


I really don’t want to overdo it and run the risk of an injury or tiring my legs out too much during training for RnR USA, but I do want to make sure that I’m working my entire body and not just my legs. So the plan is to do at least 3 strength sessions each week (Pilates or a Tone It Up! workout). I’d like to do some other form of cardio as well, so I’m going to attend a Zumba class twice a week. (I know the elliptical would be good for me, but if I’m going to spend an hour on a machine, it’s gonna be a treadmill.) I’ve decided to save yoga for my rest days since it gives me a really great stretch but not enough strength work.

I’m hoping this plan will give my body the push it needs to get through this plateau and will enhance my half-marathon training. I’m going to start scheduling my cross-training the way I schedule my runs so I won’t be tempted to skip them. I know that once I get into the habit of going, I’ll love it and won’t want to stop. I’m breaking the curse of the running-only runner one Zumba class at a time!

How do you work cross-training into your schedule and how has it improved your running?

Closet Love.

Between running 5 days a week and studying nonstop, I have been looking pretty…bummy lately. Sweatshirts. Leopard print pajama pants. Juicy Couture knee socks (THE best!). And if I put something other than Uggs on my feet, I must be going to church. And let’s be honest…I wear Uggs to church sometimes too. But now that I’ve completed my last final (!!!), I’m ready to get back to my old self. I need a little glamour in my life.

Source: via Jerrell on Pinterest


As soon as I finished my Con Law final last night, I went to Cusp and bought this Dogeared Light as a Feather necklace using a gift card I’ve been saving all semester. I fully believe in rewarding yourself for hard work. I was tempted to buy clothes instead, but I realized I already have SO many clothes that I’ve been neglecting. I rushed home, “shopped” my own closet and ended up with a rack full of Fall goodies, most of which I forgot I even had.

I’m challenging myself to spend the next month creating, mixing and matching looks from my own closet without spending any money on new clothes. I think this is the perfect way to get out of my fashion rut, to appreciate what I already have and to remind myself of the essentials that I’m missing. When I start shopping again, I’ll know exactly what to look for. I already know one thing I’m missing: COLOR. I love my neutrals/blacks, but as you can see, I need a little more color in my life.

I hope you’ll all join me in this Closet Love challenge! I’m starting today, December 20th and going to January 20th. Feel free to join at any time! I’ll be posting pictures of my daily outfits on tumblr and I’ll do a weekly round-up here as well. I’ll also post my outfit inspirations on Pinterest (obvi my new obsession). I’d love to see your looks as well. Tweet/Facebook/Email them to me (jerrellreneeblogs{at}gmail{dot}com) and I’ll post them here in my weekly round-up!

I’m off to catch up on the stack of magazines I purchased and never got to read this semester. That’s my idea of the perfect way to start this Christmas Break!

make our house a home.

I love both of my parents dearly. They are amazing. And I love spending time with them. They’re always available when I need to talk and they’re both SO silly so we’re constantly laughing around here. There is one major thing I don’t love about my parents though: living with them. Ever since I moved home from New Orleans, we’ve butted heads constantly. I’ve learned that 25 (for me) is just too old to be living with my parents. I have officially tasted the blissful freedom of having my own space and I need it again. As soon as possible.

Thankfully, my cousin Erika works in DC and is ready to move out too, so we’re moving in together! Yayy for friend/cousins! Erika has taken the lead on the actual apartment hunting since I’ve been busy with school, while I’ve been mentally decorating our yet-to-be-found apartment. I have all of these great ideas for color schemes and ways to make the apartment feel more open and spacious. I want this place to feel like home for us. I’m hoping we love it and stay there until one of us buys a house, or gets married, or both. I’ve been browsing Pinterest for decorating/space saving ideas and I just had to share some of my finds with you. I might be cheating on fashion with home decor!


“You gotta have style. It helps you get up in the morning.

It’s a way of life.

Without it you’re nobody.

…and I’m not talking about a lot of clothes.”

“I’m terrible on facts. But I always have an idea.

If you have an idea, you’re well ahead.”

“The only real elegance is in the mind. 

If you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it.”

*all images via Pinterest

Diana Vreeland


Harper’s Bazaar Fashion Editor (1937-1962); Editor-in-Chief of Vogue (1962-1971)

Let’s Recap: Week Two.

Week 2 of RnR USA Half training wasn’t as great as week 1. I didn’t run as many days as I had planned to, overslept for TWO group runs and I definitely didn’t do enough cross-training. Thank goodness I’m finally finished with finals tomorrow (!) and I’ll have time to get back on track.

Monday, 12/12/11 – Rest

I had plans to go to my second Power Yoga class at the gym, but I woke up with a terrible sore throat and stuffy nose. I probably could’ve pushed through it, but I figured a complete rest day wouldn’t hurt either.

Tuesday, 12/13/11 – 1.79 miles in 21:01 (11:42 avg. pace)

Tuesday morning I woke up planning to hit the gym right after my 2pm final (law school finals are usually 3 hours long) to do 35 minutes on the treadmill followed by an hour long Pilates class. Turns out we only had 1.5 hours to take the exam and I only needed 40 minutes. I was back at home by 3:30 watching the end of Crazy, Stupid, Love in bed. I took advantage of my free time and didn’t get to the gym until a little before 6 leaving me with 20 minutes of run time before my class. The Cardio Cinema was full so I grabbed my iPad and turned on Sex and the City 2 to entertain me. I started at 4.8mph, but pushed it up to 5.0 for the last 10 minutes so I wouldn’t feel so guilty for skipping 15 minutes of my run. p.s. Watching movies on the treadmill is the greatest idea ever and I want to hug whoever thought of it.

Wednesday, 12/14/11 – Track Workout: 6 x 400 at 9:30 avg. pace (2.24 miles total including rest periods)

I skipped last week’s track workout to attend a Con Law final review (which I ultimately skipped too) and the excessive rainfall. I was really nervous about this workout because I’ve never done a structured speed workout before, but it wasn’t bad at all. We were instructed to do 4-6 quarters (1 lap) at 10k pace. I didn’t know what pace to choose so I picked 10:00/mile. It seemed comfortably hard to me and I knew I could sustain it easily for a lap. I started each lap at a 10:00 pace, but couldn’t stop myself from speeding up. At some points I was running as fast as 8:35/mile and each lap ended up between a 9:19 and a 9:45 pace. Oops. Next week, I’ll focus on running much slower than I feel I should at the beginning of the lap and trying not to speed up too much.

Thursday, 12/15/11 – 2.45 miles in 30 minutes (12:15 avg. pace)

An off day. Didn’t want to run at all, but I forced myself into the basement and onto the treadmill. Had really tight calves for the first half of the run, but otherwise my body felt great. I just couldn’t get my mind into it. I started at 4.8 for mile 1 then pushed it up to 5.0 for mile 2 and then accelerated my speed by .1 every minute for the last 5 minutes. I was so frustrated after all that when I looked down and my garmin said I was only at 2.45 miles. I still don’t trust that foot pod. My Nike+ app said I did 2.53, but I always go with whichever one is lower just in case.

Friday, 12/16/11 – Rest

Saturday, 12/17/11- 6.01 miles in 1:12:16 (12:02 avg. pace)

I overslept for my =PR= group run on Saturday. I went to bed Friday night with a terrible toothache (who even gets those anymore?) and woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave feeling like I hadn’t slept at all. I thought about rushing to get there, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to run well, so I decided to put it off until later in the day. It would be a welcome study break.

It was so gloomy and cold outside that I put the run off until 3pm when the sun came out for a split second. I was about 10 seconds from driving to the gym and doing it on the treadmill, but I told myself that my lungs needed the fresh air and my legs needed the extra work on the roads. Miles 1-3 were great. I felt great and my breathing was relaxed. And then I got to the turnaround point. I blame the geese who had pooped all over the sidewalk and made me hop around for the first 2 minutes of mile 4 because after this point, my legs decided to die on me. The sides of my feet started throbbing (does anyone know why this happens?), my ankles started hurting, I felt a little shin splint coming on in one of my legs (can’t even remember which one it was now) and BOTH knees started hurting. I guess I’ve been loving the treadmill a little too much lately. I finished without any walking (besides the pauses at stoplights) and I even sped up to 11:48/mile for the last mile when I was so tired I could barely see straight. I’m happy I finished, but I’m really hoping that next week’s 7-miler is much better. I definitely won’t be missing any more group runs! Lesson learned.

Sunday, 12/18/11 – Unplanned Rest

I stayed up late studying on Saturday and when I finally couldn’t take it anymore, I went to bed. 2 hours later, I was still tossing and turning trying to will myself to sleep. Needless to say, I overslept for run club this morning. I was so mad and thought about going late, but an extra hour of sleep won that battle. It ended up being a Sunday Bumday and I was ok with that.

Totals –

miles this week :: 12.49

miles this month :: 46.74

miles this year :: 315.04